Rabu, 10 November 2010


In Barack Obama, MICHELLE OBAMA on November 6, 2008 at 1:08 pm

Walaupun kedua ibubapa

Obama bercerai ketika beliau masih kecil dan dipelihara serta disekolahkan oleh

kedua orang datuk sebelah emak, Obama tidak pernah menyoalkan nasib beliau kenapa

dilahirkan berkulit hitam, dalam keluarga bermasalah dan ditinggalkan kepada datuk.

Emak ayah beliau bernikah pada tahun 1961, lahirlah Obama enam bulan kemudian dan

pada tahun 1964, kedua ibu bapanya berpisah. Ibunya berhijrah ke Indonesia dan

berkahwin lagi dengan Lolo Soetoro. Obama Sr pulang ke Kenya pada tahun 1972 dan

menemui ajalnya dalam kemalangan jalanraya pada tahun 1982 ketika berumur 46 tahun.

Diceritakan bahawa Obama hanya sempat berjumpa bapanya pada tahun 1972 setelah kedua

ibu bapanya bercerai. Beliau berjaya melanjutkan pelajaran hingga ke Columbia

Universiti, New York dalam bidang perundangan pada tahun 1980 dan seterusnya maju

ke hadapan tanpa melihat ke belakang sejarah hitamnya.


Born in Kenya, Barack Obama Sr. came to the University of Hawaii in order to study for a degree in economics. This photograph hangs on the wall of his stepmother’s house in Kogelo, Kenya


Though she has signed this sophomore yearbook photograph of herself “Stanley” — her parents named her Stanley Ann at birth — Obama’s mother was known as Ann for most of her life. After attending Mercer Island High School in Washington, she enrolled at the University of Hawaii, where she met Barack Obama, Sr.


Barack Sr. and Ann Dunham married in February, 1961 and Barack was born six months later. Their union did not last long, however. The marriage ended in divorce in early 1964.

The Young Obama

For the first six years of his life, Barack lived in Hawaii. In 1967, his mother remarried and the family moved to Indonesia.


After the divorce, Barack Jr. only saw his father one more time, in Hawaii, in 1972, when this photograph was taken. The senior Barack then returned to Kenya, where he worked for a US oil company and the Kenyan government. He died in a car accident in 1982, at the age of 46.

Family Ties

When Ann returned to Indonesia, the young Barack remained behind in Hawaii, where he was raised by his maternal grandparents. He eventually attended Columbia University in New York, where this photo was taken in the 1980s.

Half Sister

Maya Soetoro, the daughter of Barack’s mother and her second husband, Lolo Soetoro sits beside the young Barack, Ann and grandfather Stanley Dunham in this photograph taken in Hawaii the early 1970s. Ann came back to Hawaii to attend graduate school in 1974 and remained until 1977, when she returned to Indonesia.


Stanley and Madelyn Dunham pose with Obama’s mother Ann in a photograph probably taken in the 1950s. Born in Kansas, Obama’s maternal grandparents lived in four states before settling in Hawaii.


Sarah Obama, now 86, still resides in Kogelo. In this photo, she and Obama pose together outside her home in 1995.

Extended Family

On his father’s side, Obama has numerous relatives. He has made several visits to the home of his step grandmother, Sarah Obama, front row, second from right. He also has four half brothers through his father.


Barack met his wife in the late 1980s, when the two worked at the prestigious Chicago law firm Sidley & Austin. They were married in 1992. Shortly thereafter, they spent a Christmas in Hawaii, where this photo was taken.

The Next Generation

Barack and Michelle have two children, Malia, now 10, and Sasha, 7.

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